Product Designer at Loop

1 year ago Development & Programming Middle Contract

We are looking for a strong, talented fullstack mobile product designer to join our team as a part-time or full-time contractor.

Ideally we are looking for a fullstack designer that can roll up their sleeves and work from concept design to finished specs, but we are also open to individuals who specialize in UI design. We also have a full visual design system to work with.


We are looking for a strong, talented fullstack mobile product designer to join our team as a part-time or full-time contractor.

We recently rollout out the public beta version of our mobile app that is designed to help people overcome Social Anxiety using the principles of exposure therapy. This is a bare bones MVP that we are currently testing live with dozens of users, and looing for a designer to help us continue to iterate and build upon the foundation we have.

Right now we are looking for someone who can work 20-30 hours per week for a minimum 8 weeks. However there is absolutely an opportunity to move full time once we complete raising our Seed Round in early 2023.

If you are passionate about mental health we'd love to hear from you.

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