CleverJobs for Employers

Access to remote-experts all around the 🌍 world

Unique Alerts Delivered
Unique Alerts Delivered

We have been delivered 15,218,396 notifications about new remote jobs to job seekers since the website launched. (Launched: 3 YEARS AGO)

Telegram Subscribers
Telegram Channel Subscribers

We have a telegram channel with 99,329+ real subscribers.
Our channel posts have 29.5K views per day on average. (in total)

Telegram Subscribers

Targeted Subscribers
Targeted Subscribers

We send vacancies to our targeted subscribers according to the category and tags of the vacancy

Remote Jobs Published
Remote Jobs Published

We have published 7,509 remote jobs on our website.

Remote Jobs Published

Applies for Jobs
Number of Applies

Experts have applied for the published remote jobs 292,871 times through our website.

Hireable Experts Profile
Hireable Experts

There are 3,455 remote experts who are ready to be hired. (5,734 in total) You can see their profile when you post a job even before they applied.

Hireable Experts Profile
Post a Job Now   (Only $99)

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🎉 Access to Potential Candidates

You can see experts profile when you are sending a job in their skills.

Trusted Us

Deep Consulting Solutions
Silicon Valley Insight


Irina R.

IT Recruiter at Deep Consulting Solutions

Thank you for resultive and good price publishing!
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Or up to 25% less when you top-up your account