Children's Artist with Disney Flare at Ellie Sue

10 months ago Development & Programming Middle Contract

We are very excited to be looking for an artist to join our team! This person would be responsible for creating all of our designs for our company. This creative designer should be very comfortable making repeating patterns for blankets & clothing.

Designers should be skilled in their field and able to create designs in a timely manner. Along with Disney inspired patterns, we will be looking for modern/boho designs for our products as well. Designs should always be on trend. When submitting an application, we ask that you submit current or new work that is as closely in line with what we are looking for, and the attached examples, as possible.


We are very excited to be looking for an artist to join our team! This person would be responsible for creating all of our designs for our company. This creative designer should be very comfortable making repeating patterns for blankets & clothing.

Our current product is muslin and fleece throw blankets. We are currently expanding products into belt bags, baby sleep gowns, baby and toddler pajama and 2 piece lounge sets. Our goal is to have bold and eye catching patterns that customers cannot find anywhere else. Our current focus is creating Disney inspired patterns and designs, with a modern and bold twist. Designers should be comfortable and very efficient creating these types of patterns. Designers should handle correction and the vision of others very well, be willing to rework designs until we achieved exactly what we have in mind. Designers should be skilled in their field and able to create designs in a timely manner. Along with Disney inspired patterns, we will be looking for modern/boho designs for our products as well. Designs should always be on trend. When submitting an application, we ask that you submit current or new work that is as closely in line with what we are looking for, and the attached examples, as possible.

Thank you in advance for your interest and time!

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