Business Systems Analyst (Product Designer) at Deep Consulting Solutions

3 years ago Development & Programming Junior, Middle, Senior, Lead Full-Time, Contract

This position is primarily concerned with the functional design of the software solution and is focused on making business applications that meet business requirements. The ability to figure out how to create a functional solution is most important in this job.

  • Ability to thoroughly understand of how a given piece of software works functionally - understanding how software solutions functionally operate and being able to break down the various processes involved in the functionality of a given piece of software is essential for being able to create workable solutions that follow a defined logic. Technical background can help here but is not required, however strong logical reasoning is essential.
  • Ability to properly define software features and other functional requirements - an essential component of the job is to define functionalities of the software and being able to define them properly and correctly is a necessary skill.
  • Good understanding of what an acceptable User Experience is in the given context and ability to implement it in the interactions with users - software solutions we make interact with a lot of different users (company staff, clients, partners, vendors, etc.) and it is essential to make sure that the user experience during the interaction is acceptable for the given situation (note that we say "acceptable" not "perfect" - in many contexts perfect or extremely beautiful user experience isn't necessarily required in each interaction, at minimum the software solution's user must at all times be clearly informed of what the situation is and what they are supposed to in the business process or what is needed from them, however in some interaction settings (such as customer portals for example) higher UX standard is expected with a higher need for visual cleanliness and appeal).
  • Attention to the smallest details and ability to break everything down to smallest pieces and steps - details are critical in this business as there are many fine business requirements that need to be considered and many functional parts that need to be incorporated into a software solution. A person doing this job needs to be able to keep track of small details and effectively combine small details to make big functional solutions that can meet all of the various small requirements.
  • Good documentation skill - since everything produced by the Product Designer is then used by the engineering team as functional designs for the solution and effectively as its production blueprint, it is absolutely essential that the person doing this job be able to document designs effectively and deliver them in an easily understandable and easy to break down process.

Jov Description:

Role of Product Designer

The Product Designer is a center person in the design process and assumes the responsibility for the functional solution produced. The main job of the product designer is to meet the business requirements with a functional and effective software solution - as described in detail above.

The Product Designer in DCS is not a UX designer and this job does not involve things such as user research - at this time we do not make apps with tens of thousands of users and we do not need to engage in extensive user feedback collection exercises. This job also is not centered around "empathetic design" or some other UX cliches. The job also does not involve proposing things to clients or running briefings of any kind or negotiating requirements. If you want your job to involve these things, then please do not apply.

UX does have some place in this job, as obviously the software solution produced needs to provide an acceptable UX standard for its situation, which is different - for example, customer facing sales funnel interfaces need to have a relatively high UX standard, however some internal rarely used settings interfaces can do with not-so-good UX, so long as functional purpose is accomplished. User goals also need to be considered when making functional designs, however, they should not necessarily be the main decision driver behind design decisions - the software that DCS makes is made to serve the interests of the owner of the DCS client company - and that interest needs to be best accomplished - decisions about the business goals are made by the business consulting team in advance and are well documented and well explained to the product designer in writing.

The Product Designer, while not an engineer, also needs to have a good understanding of the basics of the technical functionality of the software. It is critical to understand how the software will logically work behind the scenes - and while coding and technical design are not part of this job, understanding of how tech works on the logical level is critical here and the Product Designer, in order to be able to execute the job, needs to be able to understand how technically the functionality will be achieved in order to properly make decisions about implementations.

The Product Designer also needs to understand the platforms that DCS uses - and have a good understanding of the functional capabilities and limitations of them - the Product Designer will need to research them and if necessary direct proof of concepts - the Product Designer will over time be expected to become a functional expert in the various platforms used by DCS - e.g. Zoho CRM, Zoho Books, Zoho Desk, DCS's own reusable components, etc.

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