Business Analyst at Deep Consulting Solutions

3 years ago Business & Finance Middle, Senior, Lead Full-Time, Contract 60,000-85,000 $/Year

We are looking for Business Analysts to study client businesses and develop improved business processes for them to which the company later builds a software solution that will carry out previously human actions automatically. If you like optimizing business processes and have a strong logical brain, then this can be an interesting opportunity for you. The job is full-time remote with a freely set schedule and you can do it from anywhere in the world.

What We Will Expect From You

As the Business Analyst, your ultimate deliverable will be the effectively improved state of client's business delivered through Deep Consulting Solutions' method. This will require of you to both thoroughly and rigorously analyze the client business as it is and to develop business process improvements that can be accomplished through automation and business process restructuring and then to ensure proper implementation of such improvements into the clients' business both with our software implementations and with other business changes not directly connected to software. We will expect you to carry out complete and thorough analysis and make correct decisions and deliver most effectively - in short, our expectations will be very high. In order to meet such expectations, you will definitely need to exercise the following at all times (the list is not exhaustive but provides the basic listing of what you will need to exercise at all times):

Carry our truthful, complete, and thorough analysis of the relevant situations, rigorously evaluate all the circumstances and ensure that you understand why things happen the way they do;

Exercise rigorous reasoning in your evaluations and business model proposals, considering all the circumstances and making sure that your evaluations and proposed improvements/business process solutions will be based on facts, aware of and work with the real circumstances of the situation, and will not contain plain unjustified assumptions;

Exercise practical awareness in your solutions and business improvement proposals, making sure that what you propose will be practically implementable and will bring the intended result in the given situation;

Carry out your analysis, evaluation, and modeling with a high degree of precision and attention to detail, with details being consistent throughout;

Exercise critical evaluation and thinking at all times with regards to your own work and the work of other people who you will either review or peer-review;

Communicate in effective and clear ways that will ensure that the result will be effectively accomplished not only by you but also by other members of the team in such a way that the project overall succeeds.

Generally, you will be free to decide how you structure your work, so long as you produce effective results that meet our quality standard and lead to successfully completed projects. You will be held accountable for the outcomes of your actions, and not your activities. Your given level of responsibility will be determined by your performance, which will be assessed after every project that you complete, leading to matching results in your compensation.


• We have a tight business to run and our jobs require a certain commitment to results and willingness to accept responsibility for the individual actions on the part of our employees. Therefore, we require all candidates for all positions in our company to:

• Understand that activity by itself is useless unless it produces a useful outcome;

• Be ready to self-organize and self-manage and make own decisions about what to do in order to deliver the result;

• Be willing to re-examine approaches and methods when results suggest that current approaches aren't working;

• Be willing to endure hard work and temporary discomfort to achieve success and not expect instant gratification;

• Approach matters rigorously and analytically;

• Act on the above.

For this position specifically, we will additionally require the following abilities:

• Strong logical, numerical, and verbal reasoning skills to study and understand the business situation in its full context;

• Analytical skills to discern confusing information and separate reality from false perception, ability to process large amount of information while maintaining rigorous and thorough analysis;

• Ability to theoretically and in abstract imagine and simulate business processes in such a way that can allow you to find business process inefficiencies and refine the theoretical business process so that it will be efficient and produce results;

• Ability for and experience of analyzing in detail business operations of the company with a complex business process, evaluating such operations, and restructuring the process and structure of such operations in order to maximize production outcome relative to resource usage;

• Ability to create effective logical rules that will be able to govern business processes and direct business jobs to be executed correctly;

• Practical business "common sense" that allows you to critically evaluate your own and others' business improvement proposals and contrast it with the realities of practical business execution so as to eliminate unpractical elements and make your business processes reality-proof;

• Effective communication skills to formulate and communicate your thoughts to the client and inside the team, along with excellent verbal and written English language ability.

The following experience will be very helpful in the job, though is not strictly required:

• Experience in introducing automation and digital optimization to complicated business processes;

• Experience working with or in various business industries, especially those that involve complicated custom/concierge service and/or custom manufacturing or on-site install;

• Experience working with large data sets, big info files, configurations, etc and organizing them into effective and smart structures;

• Experience working with or in a small business.

What We Do

We find a niche and successful small companies who have problems running their complex internal productions as they scale. Our clients include custom manufacturers, installers, concierge medicine providers, financial services providers, and other custom/concierge service companies. Their operational processes require a lot of manual decisions and it is hard to find and train up employees to execute all these business jobs correctly. We help them lower the need to rely on employees by putting in place automation that will either entirely carry out business jobs or will instruct, organize, and monitor the employees in such a way that employees will have to carry out the least decisions, problematic employees will be quickly identified and the business will be able to produce more with fewer employees and with less management effort by the business owner. Our company carries out the entire service in-house, whereby we investigate the business, evaluate it, develop new business processes that will optimize the business, and then develop and implement software solutions that will execute their automated business tasks within those new processes.

Our company guarantees the success of our projects to our clients - meaning that if for any reason they aren't satisfied with the outcome, we will take down what we've built and give them their money back. As a result, there is a very high demand for and expectation of quality from all staff. We are only looking for people who can produce high-quality deliverables and get things done completely and well.

Work Process and Team Structure

Our company operates on a rigid process and employs a large variety of functional experts in the team. All projects follow a sequence in which our clients' business operation is first thoroughly analyzed and investigated by the Business Analyst who ends up putting together a thorough analysis and understanding of the business processes used as-is, then evaluates the business model and proposes business model improvements that can be implemented with automation and better process structuring which are then reviewed with Deep Consulting Solutions Owner and then approved upon with the client. The Business Analyst then develops highly detailed theoretical models which will be the modification of all current business processes and models with the agreed-upon business improvements and automation implemented into them, that is in effect the target business model that we will be trying to achieve with our project. The target business model is then used to formulate the requirements for a software solution to be put together in order to carry out its business jobs, which is then designed by the software design team, designs are reviewed by the Business Analyst for business model relevance and completeness, and once approved, the software solution is built by our engineering team. Once a software solution is put together and vetted for its quality, it is then assessed by the Business Analyst, and implemented into the business operation - during which, the Business Analyst oversees the implementation and makes sure that the business operation experiences the necessary outcomes out of the project.

In parallel to the above, we also automate relevant accounting processes as part of this process and have dedicated Accounting Procedures & Processes Analysts on our team for that purpose, and the business analyst works closely with them to make sure the accounting processes are an exact fit and match to the business processes implemented. This is incorporated into the above process.

The project teams are kept small in order to make projects easier to organize and to ensure personal responsibility. A project team usually consists of a Business Analyst who is on a project full time, Deep Consulting Solutions Owner who reviews all top level business improvements and keeps an eye on projects quality and execution, other Business Analysts providing peer review, an Accounting Analyst who is usually part-time split between projects, two Software Product Designers who carry out functional design for the software solution and make sure that the solution operates properly and meets the requirements along our tech team which consists of many Software Engineers and Quality Assurance Engineers who usually don't interface with Business Analysts directly but work with the Product Designers who in turn work with the Business Analysts.

We have hired several Business Analysts to our team, now we are looking for more.

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