Zorina Marina

Senior quality assurance engineer

I have worked in the software quality assurance area since 2013 - from junior to senior, from doing work by myself to manage a small team and providing all QA processes for an EdTech product as a qa lead (Skill Cup) from the first steps to nowadays (3+ years).

Have some experience with different spheres (media, travelling, insurance, health). Also spent some time with a multi-language team Avionero (part-time, remote).

Looking for new experience with cool team and interesting projects. Remote. Relocate (+remote) is option.

Also have some experience work, travel and live in Asia (Thailand, Philippines) and Europe (Spain, Germany, France).

I have active schengen visa till sep 2024, so i can visit team from time to time 


Auto: Java / JDBC/ SQL / Selenide / Junit / Allure / Selenoid / Jenkins.

Manual: web/api (postman, insomnia, dev tools) /mobile, frontend/backend, kibana, firebase etc