My name is Tilek (Тилек), I'm a junior Front-end Developer
More than a 1 year experience of commercial experience in creating and debugging websites and web applications.
• My skills:
- Layout layouts, landing pages using the most relevant features of HTML5 and CSS3, preprocessors (sass / scss), bootstrap, ant design, material ui, quasar, primevue
- JavaScript ES6
- SPA development and state management - vue, vuex, react, redux
- Working with HTTP protocol (CRUD)
- Implementation of asynchronous requests using the API to the server using the axios library
- little experience in writing the frontend part of the application using Nuxt.js (SSR)
- Some experience with Webpack and Babel when creating and setting up a project
- Version control with git (Git Bash, Github Desktop)
- In the process of implementing a project on TypeScript, React, Redux, Apollo, I adhere to the principles of SOLID, DRY
- Deploy the application to github pages, heroku, netlify
- English at the level of business correspondence and
reading documentation
- Basics of Figma, Adobe Photoshop
• My contacts:
Business card site: