Angel Daniel Angeles Toribio

Software Engenier

I’m a software developer with 7 years of experience (in general).

My Technologic skills are: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, React Context, AWS AppSync, AWS Cognito, GraphQL. I Work with tools like: Visual Studio Code, Git, Azure DevOps, AWS Amplify.

My current Title is Software Engineer and I graduated from UNAPEC. My current Job Position is Software Developer.

I am passionate about automating processes that can generate some positive impact on society.

I am open to looking for work and the position I want is as a developer in JavaScript.

To see more about my experience visit


 - My experience is based on creating web applications in react, nodejs, javascript and typescript.

 - I have worked on application integration, configuration of AWS API Gateway, configuration of notification services in mobile applications with firebase

 - I have experience with docker and how to dockerize an application in developer mode and production mode.

 - Configuration of lambda functions in web applications using serverless and AWS amplify.

 - Experience with DynamoDb integrated with appsync receiving requests with GraphQL

 - Theoretical knowledge about the inner workings of JavaScript and asynchronous procedures (attached course certificate on udemy).