I'm a productive, success driven and focus driven person, I use my skills and self development strength to build career as a software engineer, with that have work on different hands on project and small scale products with my skills as a backend engineer using ASP.NET Core, WebAPIs, Razor Page and MVC. Additionally also have hands on experience on front end development using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
As a Backend engineer I have work with different members of a team and engaged with projects. And as my personality I high interest in self development and growth.
The tools and technology that am familiar with and use are Postman, Trello, Git and GitHub, also Agile(Scrum), SDLC
Part of my past working experience outside tech was working as sales and marketing staff at a commercial bank, and with that role, this enhanced and adds transferrable skills like team work, communication, also I understand many things in working with teams, task, KPIs and workspace etiquettes.